Amy North, Spirit Guide to Steven North

Amy North
Spirit Guide to Steven North

Hello, I'm Amy North

My name is Amy North; I am the spirit guide to Steven North. We are a light-being team, together we help to guide and uplift humanity, he in the physical realm and myself on the spiritual. We work in union, with one voice, reaching out to others to direct them on their path. When working together I utilise the incarnates spirit guide and other guides in order to bring about the most effective treatment & experience.

I have lived many lifetimes, I know what it means to be incarnated, I know the pain, the joys and everything in between. I believe that each lifetime offers a unique and clear opportunity to rise above the challenges inherent to life and to see through the eyes of spirit thus merging the two realities. This is one of the main goals of living, to see through the pain and towards the beauty, grace and truth of being a spirit in a human body. You are alive for a brief and fleeting time, experience it fully, engage it for all it is worth and know that you are never alone. Your guides are working to help you realise your maximum potential in each and every moment.

My passion is to teach, to reach people on new levels, to open their eyes to see beyond what they now know. There is always more to learn, I am still learning, all souls are but there is an incredible joy possible within the learning experience for both teacher and student. It is the most exquisite of moments for me when something that I have said is taken to heart by someone and helps them. This is why I am here, working beyond the veil, reaching out to all of you continually. It is my passion, my love and my life force that I give to you in each and every way I am able to. 

Amy North

Drawings of Amy North by Janine Keall & Lyn Shiona

Amy North, Spirit Guide to Steven North
Amy North, Spirit Guide to Steven North

Channelled Readings

Readings about Steven North, talking about Life Purpose, Akashic Records, Atlantis & Channelling Work.

The following extracts come from various readings that have been obtained from Jocelyn Joy Thomas over the years.

Steven North
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