
Duality is your Physical World

Duality is your physical world. You have hot, you have cold. You have day, you have night. You have Ying, You have Yang. That is what the physical world is based on. Everybody participates in duality. Dualistic thought-form tells you that you have to label things as good or bad. Ok, most people do that,

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Consciousness & Sacred Geometry – Part 1

[siteorigin_widget class=”Thim_Heading_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] The other day, I began exploring a channel session with Susan Ashley & Kassandra and it was a session that I had a lot of hesitation to listen too again because of an experience and it resulted in not loving an aspect of myself because of the opinions of others. However, I felt

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A Talk on Twin Flames & Mental Health by Steven North

In this video, Steven North talks about the mental health concern when many people beginning to walk the path of awakening or spirituality created when it comes to a term known as “Twin Flames”. Speaking from his own experiences, and awareness, there are people all over the world trying to label their relationship to try

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The Spiritual Guru

Steven & Amy North provides insight into the experiences and implications of being a self-proclaimed Spiritu Guru. An in-depth topic of what it means to be a “teacher” and the implications of sharing false teachings. [siteorigin_widget class=”Thim_Heading_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] The past few weeks for myself have seen one heck of a push (or ass-kicking) into stepping forward

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Humility & Awakening

To be a teacher in the spiritual community, there are a number of criterion that must be met, to say, pass the initiation. Some of these criterion is that the teacher/healer must know and have experienced what the darkness of humanity is like, they must walk their talk, they must not be in a mindset

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The Struggles and the Heart

Today’s post is going to be about something different and it comes from a personal experience that I have had just moments ago and it talks about the struggles that we face on a daily basis and what it does to the heart as the observations that I’ve just seen in myself is absolutely profound.

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Non-Attachment to Blame

Earlier today, Amy told me to go for a walk, to go to the beach as she wanted to enjoy time together and show me something associated with the topic of blame. For those that aren’t aware, Amy is my beloved partner in crime, my spirit guide, the twin flame, devoted and it took a

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