
Heart Activation Music

Light in Sound, Healing & Crystals

The Heart Activation Music is a pioneering complementary therapy that harnesses the power of crystals, spirit guides, and Ascended Masters to elevate consciousness and enhance healing.” It is a Light & Sound healing modality created by Steven North and Spirit Guide, Amy North.

Music has been utilised since the beginning of recorded history in many cultures and in today’s world, these ancient sound traditions are being used for the restoration of well‐being. The fundamental principle of sound healing is  resonance’ and it’s these frequencies of vibration that are transformative and healing. In every organ, bone, tissue, and so on, we are in a constant state of vibration.

It is widely known that sound therapy is used for stress reduction or to facilitate meditation. For some people, the effects of sound therapy may include unlocking deeply entrenched issues, memories or patterns and may help them work through blocks that were previously unknown to them. The results throughout history and our experiences with the Heart Activation Music are profound and we have seen results in working through stress, anxiety, depression and grief with the use of the Heart Activation Music.

The Heart Activation Music utilises a quantum energy that is a non‐electromagnetism energy and is referred to as “Scalar energy” which Nikola Tesla wrote that it is a vibrant, dynamic energy that has always been in existence with the universe. The use of Scalar along with binaural frequencies within the music helps normalise imbalances and synchronise the frequency of the cell back to its natural healthy state of vibrational resonance.

The use of scalar energy has many health benefits, physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally. With the inclusion of these frequencies and resonance within the music not just allows the listener to begin healing and changing their life, it assists with significantly reducing emotional distress, boosting the quality of life, relieving depression, reduction in stress as much more. Steven’s own personal journey of depression and grief contributed to the development of the Heart Activation Music.

The music albums released by Steven North promotes life change, inner peace, transformation and healing wounds of the heart. Steven North plans to release more albums in the coming months in both meditation/relaxation genre as well as the more vibrant uplifting & energetic compilations. There will also be albums created specifically for therapists, counsellors and psychologists to work with their
clients in their business practices.

Steven North aims that with the Heart Activation Music we can reach out to many people around the world with its creations and avenues for other musicians to assist with personal change, mindfulness, meditation, emotional healing and to bring in what humanity deserves and that is true love, peace and happiness.

The Heart Activation Music encompasses the purity of unconditional love and helps you come towards the ‘Light of Consciousness’. Once the unconditional love is felt in the heart and the walls are lowered, then the way can be opened for many things, such as; living life purpose, finding the incarnated twin soul or finding a significant soul mate, receiving love, self-love and caring for others. These are just a handful of benefits that comes in once the heart has opened and becomes activated. – Amy North

The Purity of Unconditional Love

FAQ's about the Heart Activation Music

The Heart Activation Music is a world first! It is a profound healing modality in the form of sound healing that has over 20 years of personal research. The music contains the energies & consciousness of crystals, light codes, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Deities, Spirit Guides, our beloved Amy North, natural scalar energies and binaural frequencies (binary beats).

What makes the Heart Activation Music extraordinary in the field of sound healing is the incorporation of music with a range of energies & frequencies. The energies and the music take you through a journey of various harmonics and frequencies from the music instruments, sounds of animals and vocals as well as ambient sounds. The energies of the crystals embedded, scalar frequencies & channelled energies are why the Heart Activation Music stands out from all other different types of sound therapy & music therapy created.

Other forms of sound wave therapies focus on brainwave entrainment or releasing of emotional wounds, activation of the heart space using binary frequencies and emotions in sound by using specific chords and all achieve amazing results. Steven North discovered brainwave entrainment technologies in 2006 which is one of the many areas that was researched which led to the creation of the Heart Activation Music.

The Heart Activation Music is also a registered therapy with the Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) and is not only used in group sessions and individual sessions performed by Steven & Amy North. It is used by other practitioners around the world to compliment & support their existing modalities/therapies/professional practices.

The Heart Activation Music is made by both Steven North & Amy North (incarnate & spirit guide). When the music is being created, Amy sends coded vibrations to put into the sounds and they consist of messages that help the person come towards the light of consciousness and become curious about this. In other words, the Heart Activation Music plants a seed into the incarnate so that they can focus on the light consciousness.

Once the unconditional love is felt within the heart, the walls are lowered around the heart and then the way can be opened to many things, living their life purpose of this incarnation, finding their twin (if they have incarnated too), or finding a significant soul mate. Caring for others is another thing that comes in once the heart has opened and becomes activated.

The Heart Activation Music engages life purpose, true love, compassion, walking a higher path and raising the vibration of the planet.

It utilises various crystals within the music and depending on the intention of the track, guidance from Amy, the crystals are coded to perform certain functions and are then layered into the music.

The creation of the music is time-consuming, exciting, fun and the transformational results that people are experiencing with this work are absolutely amazing.

When the music is played, it does the following:

  • Creates what is referred to as "Sacred Space"
  • Raises the vibration of the room
  • Cleanses all energetic debris from the room
  • Energetically activates crystals
  • The feeling of unconditional love being felt
  • Create a strong connection with higher levels of consciousness
  • Encourages self-healing
  • Not only helps incarnates with healing but also Spirit Guides
  • The energy within the music never ends
  • Works on multiple dimensions at the same time
  • Assists with activation of information within
  • ...and so much more!

This is the new world of scalar electromagnetism, the zero-point energy, the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.

Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy, was one of the greatest geniuses of all time and one of the world’s most gifted inventors. He developed ideas and technologies which were far ahead of his time. Many argue that Tesla singlehandedly created the 21st century.

Tesla proposed two types of energy existed in the cosmos: scalar and electromagnetic energy. Because of the lack of technology to detect scalar energy, electromagnetic energy was more widely accepted and utilised. To prove scalar energy existed, Tesla experimented with abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials, which released scalar energy from the vacuum of space also known as the “ether”. Tesla referred to “scalar energy” as “radiant energy” and felt that this was the primal force in the universe.

The properties of Scalar Energy include them being non-linear and non-Hertzian. This energy form has the capacity to carry information. It also does not decay with the passing of time or distance.

The traditional understanding of energy is that it flows out in the form of waves. However, Scalar Energy does not radiate as waves but expands outward in circles of energy. Occupying space, this spatial mass is not a vacuum but comprises a field of energy systems that is alive. This vibrant and dynamic energy field radiates a network of harmoniously balanced energies. Scalar energy can be created naturally. It is always existent in the universe.


Here’s a select few testimonials from users of the Heart Activation Music.

Marina-Dawn Wedge Certified Lymphologist & Longevity Specialist

I am a massive music lover and when I first found the divine Heart Activation Music from Steven and Amy North, WOW... every cell in my body was light up. I could not get enough! I listened for an entire day and night. Each song I listened too takes you on a journey and enhances a unique vibration. You do not need to know what is involved in the making of the music, you can just feel it. One song, you can be dancing with joy and the next in a deep meditation or healing release. They have such a great collection and one that is constantly playing in my car, home and sessions with clients. If you have not yet listened, I highly recommend it for anyone and everyone. Warning!! Once you start it may be hard to stop. Thankyou Steven, Amy and all guides for this wonderful gift to the world.

Lisa Brandis Founder of Intuitive Reiki International. Intuitive Reiki Master and Inspirational Speaker.

I was blessed to have met Steven North recently and played his Heart Activation Music during one of my Intuitive Reiki Sessions and what we experienced was beautiful. My client was taken on a gentle journey into her own heart which allowed for a gentle transformation. I believe that everyone has within them all they need to experience complete healing, and this music guides my client to find and unlock their inner wisdom, knowledge and resources. Stevens music is gentle, and uplifting and took both myself and my client to an elevated frequency. Thank you for your service to those who are drawn to your hearts work and your generous spirt. I look forward to working more with you in the future.

Barbara Bechter Kinesiologist and PhD student

I started to go to Steven's Heart Activation Session only early May. The impact on my spirituality was amazing. It was awakening and upgrading exponentially with an amazing impact on my mental and emotional capacity. What does this mean? It was as if layers of dust were removed from my memory, and my heart (activity) yield a depth I have not known before. The Heart Activation Music enabled my heart to connect to my beloved in a way I could not imagine before. What's more, my healing capacity rocket the sky...

Marlene Swetlishoff Scribe/Channel, Author - The Rainbow Scribe

This music is highly relaxing to an overactive mind and brings peace and calm within, two especially important and sacred qualities that are indispensable in today's world. It acts as a bridge between two worlds." ~ Marlene Swetlishoff

Sherilee The Empyreal Sun

I just did a silent mindfulness meditation with Steven North's Epsilon Meditation track, and It was a brilliant experience. Without so much journeying, I remained present and could feel the sound vibration permeate my skin, feeling movement and tingling sensations in my face which actually soothed me to sleep. When I woke, I felt amazing, refreshed, light and happy. Thank you, Steven, for this experience, you always create with the highest source of energy within your work. I highly recommend that the community try this for themselves! Much appreciation." - Sherilee

Janine Rose Keall Visionary/Psychic Artist

If you are feeling anxious or have an overly active mind this music is for you! It has a very calming effect bringing you into a relaxed state whilst quietening the mind of chatter. " - Janine Keall

Heart Activation Music Videos

Here are a handful of videos of previous live performances of Steven North presenting the Heart Activation Music. Steven has performed at events, such as, Every Woman Expo (Perth), Conscious Living Expo (Perth), Living Well in WA Festival (Perth), Mind Body Spirit Festival (Brisbane), Mind Body Spirit Festival (Melbourne).



November 2016

Steven North presented the Heart Activation Music on the Main Stage for the very first time at the Conscious Living Expo (Perth) in November of 2016. There was an intense amount of energy being channelled during this appearance that the cells in the body were oscillating faster than ever experienced.

After this session, Steven ran outside and attempted to ground himself to no avail, he was then on the Main Stage immediately after this as a keynote speaker on a panel.



June 2019

Steven North presents the Heart Activation Music on the Main Stage at the Mind Body Spirit Festival, Melbourne (June 2019). Steven takes you on a journey through different songs with the Heart Activation Music and invites people on stage to share their experiences.



June 2017

This video was recorded at the Living Well in WA Expo in Perth, Western Australia in June 2017. As part of the presentation, Steven spoke about his journey that led to the discovery of the Heart Activation Music and does a live demonstration of how he works with the music. You can tell that there is a complete transformation in confidence during the period when Steven is on stage and what an experience was shared by all. One person came up to Steven directly after this and was blown away by how she was physically responding to the music



November 2016

This video was recorded at the Conscious Living Expo in Perth, Western Australia in November 2016. As part of the presentation, we randomly brought up 4 randomly selected people to join Steven North on stage to share their experiences after the session. We will mention that the foldback speakers weren’t turned on and we couldn’t hear the music.


Heart Activation Music on Spotify

Satisfy your curiosity and experience the Heart Activation Music on Spotify.

Steven North
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