The Divine Story Of Creation: How God Made Everything

The Bible tells us that God created the planet. He did this using his power and his wisdom. Everything that exists on Earth – from the smallest atom to the largest mountain – was made by God. From Earth, he created all the creatures who live there, including humans. And from humans, he created everything else that lives on Earth: plants, animals, and even the environment.

The first creation is a mystery that has been debated by theologians for centuries. She is known as Sophia, she existed before any of God’s oldest works. Sophia existed from the beginning of the beginningless. Some theologians believe that she was the mother of Jesus Christ, while others believe that she was simply an intelligent being who had a significant role in creating everything.

There seems to be an agreement across Earth’s cultures that there is a form of God that created other gods and one of them being Sophia. There is much debate as to what this God actually is, with some believing it to be an impersonal force or even nothing at all, but the idea that there is some sort of creator behind everything seems to be a pervasive belief across the planet. Interestingly, this concept seems to have originated from ancient Greece where philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle came up with theories about the divine. In their works, they talk about a deity called ‘The One,’ who was responsible for creating everything in existence. As time passed and Christianity began to spread, this same deity was renamed ‘God’ and beliefs about him began to diverge.

Few Bible verses provide a more powerful message of creation than those in the opening chapters of Genesis. These verses detail God’s creative work in the universe and demonstrate not only His love for humanity but that of Sophia’s as well. In this video, we explore a collaboration between two artists whom share their personal experiences of creation through biblical scripture and artwork.

Original Artwork by Janine Rose Keall –
Video by Steven North –

May the force be with you, always.

[Verses Used]

  • Genesis 1:3 – Aramaic Bible in English
  • Jeremiah 51:15 – English Standard Version
  • Colossians 1:16 – English Standard Version
  • Proverbs 8:22-31 – Unknown Translation
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