Unity, Cosmic Stuff & EveryWoman Expo

The past few days has seen a surge of stress and anger come through me and no amount of logical processing has been able to calm it. One moment stressing about money, then future, what do I want to do and yet, there’s nothing to stress about because it wasn’t mine. A friend of mine owned the stress saying it was theirs. Even the words I’ve used when venting have surprised me. When I was laying on the table at the acupuncturist meditating away yesterday, I began to have a discussion within the realm of thought. Although, I’m sitting in a space of where I’m questioning everything with minimal motivation.

“You’re feeling the effects of Humanity moving into alignment with Unity, it is not about people coming together in Unity as they have thought, it is about consciousness of all coming together as one. Remember, we said there’s only room for one in the New Earth, one unified field of consciousness. It is the animals, the plants, the people, the insects, the planet, it is all one. This is why you’re sensing things all over the planet as what laid dormant within you is now activating.”

There was also another experience to explain the interconnectedness between all things (including Spirit Guides) when I went to Murdoch University village to hang out with a friend. She was doing an assessment, I was laying on the couch watching TV and we both messaged each other at the same time. She asked if I could bring her a coffee, whilst knowing she needed a large, she asked for a small. What transpired was that she wanted more coffee, we decided to go get another one and both jumped in the car where she spotted someone on the side of the street. She jumped out and started speaking to the person who was in need of help & support. We brought this person with us to the service station where she bought him a coffee and some hot food and called the local police office as this person had been violently abused and needed more help than what we could offer. The person was so emotional that someone did a kind gesture, he didn’t know how to express it. Meanwhile, I’m communicating with an emotional spirit guide, expressing their gratitude because they were able to get the help they required as we all heard the call. The person who we helped got off at the wrong bus stop…

Cosmic Stuff

I find this rather amusing because of how it unfolded, there I was walking out of the shed one day and I get this visual of a crystal grid. I’m looking at the visual and thinking to myself, it’s going to be quite difficult to create this, those crystals are floating! I could put three in the ground, rest the sphere on top of it but this isn’t going to work and I walked off. I began thinking that this is the next formation for a new song, just couldn’t figure out how to build it.

Over the period of a week or more, I kept seeing this visual and it kept changing. At one time, I was watching myself actually create it in a different space because gravity won’t allow me the luxury of having crystals float. So I’m watching my self (some may say Higher Self) create this grid and the centre sphere kept collapsing and I heard the phrase “This gravity sucks, I need new gravity” the next day, the same visual returns and I’m seeing it in full operation, new gravity installed, the crystals are floating and the sphere is moving. Then all of a sudden, I saw myself move in a 90 degree angle, going from the bottom of the sphere, around to being level with it and then started floating in this space of zero gravity.

Then a few days later, I receive a newsletter from Rebecca Dawson that talks about ‘Cosmic Gravity’. I shared her the original drawing on the left in which she explained that there are similar references.

I also shared these visuals with Janine Keall who too connected in with it and was seeing something similar to me and translated the visual I was getting. I explained to her that the crystals at the bottom where made from Presli Bluestone (the same as Stone Henge) and the top was made from Clear Quartz, each created it’s own energy that allowed the sphere to spin. In a sense, magnetism.

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Please contact Janine Keall if you’d like to purchase a license for the use of this image at Janine Rose Keall ~ Spirit Guides, Angels, Masters & Art @ https://www.janinerosekeall.com

EveryWoman Expo, Perth 2022

I’m going to be speaking at the EveryWoman Expo at the Perth Convention Centre on the weekend of June 17 to 19. I’m going to be talking about the Heart Activation Music & Mental Health and how the light in sound technology incorporating consciousness can help improve mental health.

When I went through alcoholism, loss of income, having to sell the property and what felt like life spiralling out of control into a deep abyss of depression state, I found that by using the Heart Activation Music on myself had a significant impact. What I found was that the soothing sense of love, and opening the heart to a pure state of unconditional love was very soothing and it allowed me to change my entire life.

Mathematical Consciousness

Consciousness is mathematical and one of the things I’m observing is how, when looking at my own life experiences that there is a lot of mathematics going on. I’ve been trying to explain this and it’s not been easy. In fact, I recall Ol Ya Ma telling me that Einstein is waiting to connect with me and I have begun to ponder whether this is the influence because what I’m seeing is mathematical equations happening in life. Whether we use the word resonance, frequency or energy, it’s all mathematical.

The concept of what I’m looking at is when you have a good friend and they turn against you, it is not because of the stories that the human mind creates but that of a mathematical equation that is falling out of alignment thus no longer being coherent with one another.  The human mind is unable to grasp at what is occurring and tends to turn to chaos, drama and emotions. So this is a concept that I’m working on trying to figure out how to explain it. I’ve said to a friend of mine, when trying to explain this that I may have to revert to drawing it, they can translate it for me!

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Heart Activation Music & Mental Health
EveryWoman Expo

When: Friday, 17 June 2022
Time: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM

When: Saturday, 18 June 2022
Time: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM

When: Sunday, 19 June 2022
Time: 1:15 PM to 1:45 PM

Where: Perth Convention Centre


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When: Friday, 24th of June 2022
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:45 PM’ish
Where: Vivacious Living Centre


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